Monday, June 24, 2013

Different Hair Loss Restoration Methods

Everybody can be a victim of hair loss. This can be caused by many different things but no matter the reason for the baldness, when one starts losing hair, it becomes very traumatic.

Of the many hair loss solutions, perhaps the most effective is surgical hair loss restoration. There are a variety of surgical hair loss remedies available. The procedures and treatments vary depending on the unique condition of each patient.

If these surgical hair loss solutions are not suitable for a patient, there are also a variety of non-surgical hair loss treatment alternatives. Below you will find information on various surgical hair replacement techniques and hair loss solutions.

Hair Transplants

Hair transplants involve the removal of small portions of hair-bearing scalp from the sides or back of the head. These sections of scalp are then transplanted to the balding areas of a patient’s scalp. Hair transplants can be an effective technique for permanent hair replacement and are among the most dependable hair loss solutions.

Scalp Reduction

Scalp reduction, also called Alopecia reduction, is a surgical hair loss restoration procedure that surgically removes a strip of balding scalp and stretches hair-bearing scalp upward to replace the removed strip of bald scalp.

It is a very effective method of hair loss restoration when performed by a skilled and experienced physician or hair restoration specialist.

Scalp reduction surgery is often performed in conjunction with hair transplants to create a natural appearance and achieve seamless permanent hair replacement.

Flap Surgery

Skin flap surgery is a state-of-the-art method of moving a “flap” of skin and underlying tissue from one area of the body to another. It is surgery performed to repair a non-traumatic cosmetic defect such as male pattern hair loss, repair a site of traumatic injury to restore its functionality and cosmetic appearance, or repair a skin defect caused by a congenital malformation.

Skin flap surgery involves taking a large, hair-bearing portion of the scalp and partially detaching it. The detached part of the scalp is used to cover the balding area. A portion of the flap remains attached to its original spot, so the tissue continues to receive nourishment from blood vessels. During flap surgery the hair continues to grow, as opposed to hair grafting, in which the hair falls out before regrowing.

Scalp Expansion

Scalp expansion is a surgical hair replacement technique that involves the insertion of silicone bags underneath the skin to expand a hair-bearing portion of the scalp. After the skin has been expanded, flap surgery is performed to move the hair to a balding area of the scalp.

There are two types of scalp expansion namely volumetric expansion and non-volumetric expansion or scalp extension. Volumetric expansion involves using a balloon-type device implanted under the scalp while non-volumetric expansion or scalp extension involves using implanted physical instrumentation.

To learn which of the surgical hair loss solutions listed above is suitable for you, you need to consult a skilled hair loss specialist to help you choose the right hair replacement option.

1 comment:

  1. These treatments are indeed good! But keep in mind that Hair Transplantation should be the last resort after you have tried all other ways. This is desired to those that experience hair thinning from genetic factors and other permanent defects.
